Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Plans For The Future?

Frankly, skies the limit! I would love to build an online community for people to connect and provide a platform of resources for people to read and access.
However, the ultimate goal would be to set up a hub in every capital city in Australia. The hub would consist of options for psychologists, champions, workshops (everything from the drunken phase to investigating sex toys and beyond), kitchen/café for people to come when they need some time and a kick ass playground to bring the kids. As I said, skies the limit!

What Is The Pricing?

Individual Sessions

1 hour individual session is $80

5 x 1 hour package is $350

To book your session email

Guest Appearances

Pricing is variable depending on different factors (location, venue, time etc). If you are interested in booking a session for your group, please contact

How Did Phoenix2Warrior Come About?

Phoenix2Warrior rose from the ashes through personal experience and the realisation there were not enough services to assist those in need. Our goal is to help reduce this gap by providing information supports to those who need a little extra guidance, support or motivation.

What If I Need Advice Rather Than Just Information?

We are able to provide numerous recommendations to other services that can assist.

Why Should I Choose Phoenix2Warrior?

The services provided are confidential and with no judgement. We understand every situation is unique and as such are open to listen. At Phoenix2Warrior we value genuine relationships built on trust and integrity. It is because of this you can be confident in talking with us.

Start your journey with Phoenix2Warrior

If you or someone you know is needing some extra support to either get through the phoenix life journey, or to begin re-designing yourself to be the best possible version of you (aka warrior), then this is the service for you!

get in touch
lady in wool jumper sitting at kitchen bench