Blog Posts

Finding yourself

When we feel lost, we can lose sight of who we are. However, this provides a blank slate in order for us to grow and re-design who we want to be.

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You don’t grow inside your comfort zone

Pushing yourself can be scary, however the rewards can be monumental. Learning how to set goals and push yourself is the beginning of the road to achievement.

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A personal insight into why Phoenix2Warrior was founded and being unashamed to ask for help.

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How to say ‘no’ without feeling guilty

Help create inner peace in your world by learning to not feel guilty about saying ‘no’.

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What’s your passion?

Becoming in tune with your body through self-love can unlock your passion and provide insights into your life’s purpose.

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How do I deal with my emotions?

Ahhhhh, emotions. That little chestnut. The annoying thing that creeps up on you when you least expect it.

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Independent happiness

Knowledge and experience are key to understanding your happiness when transitioning in and out of relationships

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I want you

The beauty of relationships and being aware of unhealthy signs of co-dependency

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Drunken Phase

What is a 'drunken phase' and what should I do if I am in one?

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Start your journey with Phoenix2Warrior

If you or someone you know is needing some extra support to either get through the phoenix life journey, or to begin re-designing yourself to be the best possible version of you (aka warrior), then this is the service for you!

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lady in wool jumper sitting at kitchen bench